Sunday, January 23, 2011

Total Devastation

I finally, finally, finally got some film for my new toy and much anticipated Christmas present (thanks buddy!), just in time for a sunny day in Ohio. I didn't know this before I got here, so I shall assume that you don't either, sun is about as elusive as a decent radio station in Ohio, that is to say pretty hard to find.

I was amped, we were headed to Hudson for the day, the most beautiful and fabulous small-ish town in the world (little to no research has been done to back up that statement, but it is really epic, you'll just have to trust me).

Now, Holgas are "toy" cameras, they aren't fancy, they are cheap and plastic and faulty by nature. That's the charm of it, the imperfection and inconsistency in production allow light leaks, which in turn make for unique and unexpected photos. Knowing that, my first roll of film was just to see what my Holga did, how it reacted, what it made.

Would that I had pictures to show you. But, I don't. Not one. Total devastation.

When I showed up at Walgreens (don't judge me, I've been here for less than six months, I have yet to look for/find an independent and local photography store) there was a crowd (3) of employees surrounding the photo processing machine, one of whom was on the phone with tech support. Well, needless to say that wasn't a good sign.

My negatives were all but white.

Nothing could be done with them. Total devastation.

Several forum pages later I now know that I have joined the ranks of amateur photographers that have enjoyed the heartbreak and letdown that the Holga offers. I am armed with information and comfort that many/most people have useless rolls of film compliments of that temperamental master called Holga.

There isn't much sun in my immediate future, but when it returns I shall try again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


One of my oldest and dearest friends has lived in New York for years, my mother and I took a trip up there ages ago, but I hadn't been back since.
My buddy and I went up there a few weeks ago with one item on our agenda, a picture in front of the tree at the Rockefeller Center, however, aside from that we just wanted to hang out.

We couldn't have had better hosts! My friend and his super deluxe wonderful wife are residents of Brooklyn. I have to be honest, I thought Brooklyn was gross and scary and blegh before I went. Well, there is no way I could have been more wrong.

I'm fully obsessed now. My friends took us to meet their friends and to check out some of their favorite bars, restaurants, and shops. Oh, so much fun.

Saturday we flew in and met up with a big group of Sooners to watch the OU/Nebraska game. We had a near crisis as the bar we chose initially had some super spotty cable and the game came in spurts. My buddy is a rabid OU fan and that was obviously not going to work. So, we lit out onto the streets and literally stumbled upon a bar that had a sandwich board sign advertising the game. Turns out the owner was a Sooner! It was so much fun. Obviously the game was great, and the company was great; it was also fun because there was a hoard of Santas there! So funny.

Afterward we all went back to my friends' house for a rooftop dance party! Icy cold, but a blast.

Sunday, we were paying for what we had done the night before. My friends, however, go hard all the time. We were up for a lovely, if poorly served breakfast at a cute little place with a great bloody mary (once I could get it down!). That set the pace, we went to a tea shop, a malt shop, several bars and a community sale inside of a school. Ridiculous and fabulous.

Monday my buddy and I went to Manhattan for our picture and some Frrrrrrrozen Hot Chocolates (yes, plural). It was a good/bad idea. We had a really fantastic day, we started at the Museum of Natural History and then walked through Central Park to get to Serendipity. That said, I love Brooklyn so much more than I love Manhattan.

Then it was time to go home. Boo.

It was incredible, so much fun to hang out with my friends, so amazing to see, eat and drink at all of those unique places. Ready to start planning our return trip... if they'll have us again.